Defying gravity by pictures reality

You don't need some degree in physics to know Newton's universal law of gravitation: " Find here  a lot of creatures defying this law".

1- Mountain goats don't care about their gravity.

The incredible ibex defies gravity and climbs avertical dam.
Theses Alpine Ibex defies gravity on Italian near vertical dam.
Mountain Goats don't care about gravity;
Mountain goats are equipped with some serious climbing gear — their secret weapon when climbing steep slopes.

2- Ice Sculpture stays in place after car leaves

Find here Parked Jeep Cars Leave Ice Sculpture Bumper Shells Behind After Ice Storm.

3- The interesting way my glass broke defying gravity

Can You Recycle Broken Glass. Is just fun.

4- Pasta at -60 ° C: Concordia Research Station, Antarctica - defying gravity

5- All right here : One more lord of strategy defying gravity

amazing man defying gravity while he drives his bicycle.

6- One more cold day with cold water defying gravity

The Storm make this water suspended in horizontal position.

7- Small support here for defying gravity

this cat hanging on a car door. Is just amazing.

8- an arch built with stones without mortar

9- Ice sheet on trees after flood

10- This cat likes to sleep against the wall

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